Sunday, January 30, 2011

I'm back!

Well here I am again, writing on this blog! It's been over a year and a half since that has last happened, so let me tell you what brought me back.

My friend Nicole, a friend from high school, messaged me and asked if I had a blog because she wanted to start blogging. At that moment the only technical blog I had was a tumblr account. I didn't really use it for blogging...more as a combination of twitter/facebook, constantly reblogging pictures of vampire diaries, zac efron, jonas brothers, awesome photography...etc. So that all happened last night - I told her my link & that was that. Well this morning I wake up and in my email I have a notification from blogger that someone commented on my blog "I'm Broken - Wide Open" about a Marilyn Monroe quote. Wierd timing....but it made me miss this blog a little bit, so I came back over & spent a little bit of time reading through my old posts and I always love doing that! To relive my spiritual journey. To remember a time when I was constantly questioning, battling, thinking, and processing Jesus. It's a whole lot better than what I do now.

I always find it weird to think about why I am in such a crappy place, spiritually. I don't do drugs. I don't drink in excess. (One or two beers a month is about what I do...if that) I don't have sex. I don't do anything major that would make me hang my head in shame & avoid talking to God. The only thing I feel that is got a hold on me is my lack of drive. I should pray...but I don't. I should read scripture...get to know my God more...but I don't. I should wake up every sunday excited for church...but I don't, until this morning. And I finally made it to the college age bible study on thursday night, and from there - a few snowball events have happened & now I very possibly might have a group of girls that I could open up to & experience community with.

The reason I'm here, and have been so stagnant, is because I don't have any christian friends who were willing to experience life with me. I mean i have those friends but they are really far away in Texas. That does me little good in St Louis. That is why i miss it soooo freaking much sometimes!

But thursday night was sort of an "abouuuut FACE" for my spiritual life. I hope its the turn I needed to make. I woke up this sunday morning and am excited to get into that building and worship God.

But now I need to go jump in the shower or I'll be late!

Friday, February 26, 2010


I have never been the person who knows exactly what she wants. Not that I fly by the seat of my pants either but I guess growing up does this to you. You figure out what truly makes you happy...what makes your heart full of joy and what that one thing is that you want to do for the rest of your life.

Nursing came to me as something I could do, not necessarily as a specific passion but a way I could help people in more than ways than just giving them iv's and taking their vitals. There is a connection between the nurse and the patient that I am so excited to become familiar with.

But the one passion that nursing will help me fulfill is traveling. I haven't done a whole lot but seriously guys...I am being so serious... I want to see this world so badly! The one thing I am definitely going to do is be a traveling nurse. Sign on for temporary jobs any where in the country that I haven't already lived. Well minus Seattle. Lived there when I was a baby but would loove to go back.

With all that said I am so motivated, excited and ANXIOUS to graduate nursing school and help people while living all around the country! Yeehaw!!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

well hello there, world.

Hi. I am bringing back my blogspot because the application on iphone is free :) Sometimes I write as therapy. Sometimes I write because I'm bored. But sometimes I don't write at all... because I am not sure how to put what I feel into words. So if my blog goes un-updated for a while...that is probably why.

Anyway... I've been listening to Jimmy Needham a lot lately. I like the way his lyrics make me feel.

I hope Taylor Swift wins a grammy.

Can it be spring, already?

The End. :)